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how to get kyc details which user filled ?

how to get kyc details which user filled ?

My money is stuck "processing"

hello please refund me now. My order id is b173c90a-2328-4bae-891e-4c834adcc79c The support lied to me and said my bank rejected it. This is untrue I checked with my bank. I need my 3200 dollars immediately it’s important.

Transaction marked as complete but no crypto has been transfered to my account

Please help me. I made a purchase 3 days ago for USDT and recieved an email saying that it is complete but nothing has made it to my account. Order ID is 76339b8a-33bf-4854-98a5-647fedf9359a

Account Blocked

This message keeps saying deposit $150.00 to unblock funds and withdraw but it's not true. The account is suspended and the funds are stuck - not possible to withdraw What is the point of an account where you can deposit but can't withdraw Please respond - as it appears like some scam going on

Transactions are failed

Why my transactions are failing i tried a couple of times. can you please help me with this

Stuck on transferring crypto again

here is my order i.d e0fa74b3-8896-4b41-a47f-75a91d7f7309 why is it taking so long

Help my transaction is stuck on transferring crypto

my order is is f6eb47ea-c6ad-4a11-be3f-40e1d30d5af5

Get Orders

Does your /orders endpoint only return "BUY" orders. We made a "SELL" order via our Transak account and everything worked great. However, when i queried our orders using an access token for "SELL" orders, it returened "BUY" orders and said we have none, which is indeed correct. But I wanted to see our 1 SELL order. curl '<https://api.transak.com/partners/api/v2/orders?&startDate=2024-03-01&endDate=2024-03-25&filter%5B%22productsAvailed%22%5B=%5B%22SELL%22%5D'> --header 'accept: application/json' --header 'access-token: <access token>' {"meta"{"filter"{"productsAvailed"["BUY"]},"sortOrder":"desc","startDate":"2024-03-01","endDate":"2024-03-25","limit":100,"skip":0,"totalCount":0},"data":\[]} Thanks, Thomas Cindric

I canceled my Order

How long does it takes to get the money back to my bank account from which I sent the money?

Transaction stuck on transferring crypto

My transaction has been stuck on transferring crypto for over an hour. Order ID: dc1776ad-6791-46c0-8d1e-83d3320d7371