
Ask a Question

Account Blocked

This message keeps saying deposit $150.00 to unblock funds and withdraw but it's not true. The account is suspended and the funds are stuck - not possible to withdraw What is the point of an account where you can deposit but can't withdraw Please respond - as it appears like some scam going on

Transactions are failed

Why my transactions are failing i tried a couple of times. can you please help me with this

Stuck on transferring crypto again

here is my order i.d e0fa74b3-8896-4b41-a47f-75a91d7f7309 why is it taking so long

Help my transaction is stuck on transferring crypto

my order is is f6eb47ea-c6ad-4a11-be3f-40e1d30d5af5

Get Orders

Does your /orders endpoint only return "BUY" orders. We made a "SELL" order via our Transak account and everything worked great. However, when i queried our orders using an access token for "SELL" orders, it returened "BUY" orders and said we have none, which is indeed correct. But I wanted to see our 1 SELL order. curl '<https://api.transak.com/partners/api/v2/orders?&startDate=2024-03-01&endDate=2024-03-25&filter%5B%22productsAvailed%22%5B=%5B%22SELL%22%5D'> --header 'accept: application/json' --header 'access-token: <access token>' {"meta"{"filter"{"productsAvailed"["BUY"]},"sortOrder":"desc","startDate":"2024-03-01","endDate":"2024-03-25","limit":100,"skip":0,"totalCount":0},"data":\[]} Thanks, Thomas Cindric

I canceled my Order

How long does it takes to get the money back to my bank account from which I sent the money?

Transaction stuck on transferring crypto

My transaction has been stuck on transferring crypto for over an hour. Order ID: dc1776ad-6791-46c0-8d1e-83d3320d7371

Status is still under "Transferring Crypto"

Please look into below order ids: 1e9b6dcf-56b4-4d59-8744-46bfac98ea54 aa0e74d2-af89-4dd2-bae3-1e1d0b400c45 Its been 48hrs and my order status is still under "Transferring Crypto" please look into this This kind of service is unacceptable, transactions in crypto market are time sensitive and this delays cause losses

How do I pass your tests

How do I pass your tests I am not some stupid person

Crypto sale stuck

A sale process order is stuck. Order ID: 1a51e278 - 0d76 - 4c60 - ad15 - dc293cc38a0c Can you sort is ASAP or refund please.