Code Sample: Decrypting Webhook Payload

The Webhook data payload is encrypted for security purposes, and it can be decrypted using accessToken below:


NPM Package:

Sample code

import jwt from "jsonwebtoken";

// JWT token received from the webhook response's data field
const webhookData = "eyJhbGciOiJIU.eyJ3ZWJob29-rRGF0.W07q-JG6jlyzid4";

// Secret key used for validating and decoding the JWT token
// Reference:
const accessToken = "ACCESS_TOKEN";

// Verify and decode the JWT token using the secret key
const decodedData = jwt.verify(webhookData, accessToken);

// Output the decoded claims to the console


dependencies {
    // Other dependencies...

    // JWT dependencies
    implementation 'io.jsonwebtoken:jjwt-api:0.11.5'
    implementation 'io.jsonwebtoken:jjwt-impl:0.11.5'
    implementation 'io.jsonwebtoken:jjwt-jackson:0.11.5'
        <!-- Other dependencies... -->
        <!-- JWT dependencies -->

Sample code

package com.transak.webhookjavamaven;

import io.jsonwebtoken.Claims;
import io.jsonwebtoken.Jwts;
import javax.crypto.SecretKey;

public class WebhookJavaMavenApplication {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // JWT token received from the webhook response's data field
        String webhookData = "eyJhbGciOiJIU.eyJ3ZWJob29-rRGF0.W07q-JG6jlyzid4";

        // Secret key used for validating and decoding the JWT token
        // Reference:
        String accessToken = "ACCESS_TOKEN";

        // Create the secret key for HMAC SHA signing using the access token
        SecretKey key = Keys.hmacShaKeyFor(accessToken.getBytes());

        // Parse the JWT token to extract claims using the secret key
        Claims claims = Jwts.parserBuilder()
                .setSigningKey(key)  // Set the signing key for verification
                .parseClaimsJws(webhookData)  // Parse the JWT string
                .getBody();  // Extract the claims from the token

        // Print the extracted claims to the console
        System.out.println("Claims: " + claims);



Sample Code

package main

import (


func main() {
	// JWT token received from the webhook response's data field
	webhookData := "eyJhbGciOiJIU.eyJ3ZWJob29-rRGF0.W07q-JG6jlyzid4"

	// Secret key used for validating and decoding the JWT token
	// Reference:
	secretKey := "ACCESS_TOKEN"

	// Parse the JWT token using the secret key
	token, _ := jwt.Parse(webhookData, func(token *jwt.Token) (interface{}, error) {
		return []byte(secretKey), nil

	// Check if the token is valid and decode claims if possible
	if claims, ok := token.Claims.(jwt.MapClaims); ok && token.Valid {
		// Pretty-print the decoded claims as JSON
		jsonData, _ := json.MarshalIndent(claims, "", "  ")
		fmt.Println("Decoded JWT Claims:\n", string(jsonData))
	} else {
		// Log an error message if the token is invalid or claims are missing
		log.Println("Invalid JWT or claims")

Sample decrypted payload data

  "webhookData": {
    "id": "181b6159-2192-4f68-8647-f48e6e8f58c7",
    "walletAddress": "0xD902d7eBF7bc5eCa9EEA22a6Ee9F1A30EBeBEFeE",
    "createdAt": "2024-08-23T10:33:09.426Z",
    "status": "COMPLETED",
    "fiatCurrency": "EUR",
    "userId": "243a8ce2-9cc6-41a9-aaeb-b0deeb0b19a3",
    "cryptoCurrency": "ETH",
    "isBuyOrSell": "BUY",
    "fiatAmount": 32,
    "ipAddress": "",
    "amountPaid": 32,
    "paymentOptionId": "sepa_bank_transfer",
    "walletLink": "",
    "quoteId": "0b9edf4d-2de1-4f2e-bdb6-07bc61c380f5",
    "orderProcessingType": "NORMAL",
    "addressAdditionalData": false,
    "network": "ethereum",
    "conversionPrice": 0.00041416655266757863,
    "cryptoAmount": 0.01211023,
    "totalFeeInFiat": 2.76,
    "fiatAmountInUsd": 35.57,
    "countryCode": "IN",
    "stateCode": "Karnataka",
    "orderChannelType": "WIDGET",
    "userKycType": "STANDARD",
    "cardPaymentData": {
      "orderId": "181b6159-2192-4f68-8647-f48e6e8f58c7",
      "paymentId": "66c8656bb38a7908fadc77db",
      "pgData": {
        "paymentOptions": [
            "currency": "EUR",
            "id": "sepa_bank_transfer",
            "name": "Bank Transfer Details",
            "fields": [
                "name": "Bank Name",
                "value": "Transak Limited"
                "name": "IBAN",
                "value": "GB69MOCK00000003743944"
                "name": "Bank Name",
                "value": "Modulr"
                "name": "Bank Address",
                "value": "Scale Space, 58 Wood Lane, London, W12 7RZ"
        "liquidityProvider": "MODULR",
        "status": "CREATED"
      "liquidityProvider": "MODULR",
      "updatedAt": "2024-08-23T10:33:58.753Z",
      "status": "CAPTURED",
      "processedOn": "2024-08-23T10:33:57.000Z"
    "statusHistories": [
        "createdAt": "2024-08-23T10:33:59.408Z",
        "message": "*💸 Payment reconciled successfully. Received 32 EUR",
        "isEmailSentToUser": false,
        "partnerEventId": "ORDER_PROCESSING"
    "isFirstOrder": false,
    "updatedAt": "2024-08-23T10:34:06.371Z",
    "completedAt": "2024-08-23T10:34:39.412Z",
    "transactionHash": "DUMMY_TX_ID",
    "transactionLink": "",
    "conversionPriceData": {
      "_id": "139474c7-99c5-4232-9a05-c6ccd6a973ed",
      "id": "139474c7-99c5-4232-9a05-c6ccd6a973ed",
      "createdAt": "2024-08-23T10:34:06.352Z",
      "fiatCurrency": "EUR",
      "cryptoCurrency": "ETH",
      "paymentMethod": "sepa_bank_transfer",
      "fiatAmount": 32,
      "network": "ethereum",
      "cryptoAmount": 0.01211023,
      "isBuyOrSell": "BUY",
      "conversionPrice": 0.00041416641727771563,
      "marketConversionPrice": 0.00041628949369556297,
      "slippage": 0.51,
      "cryptoLiquidityProvider": "transak",
      "fiatLiquidityProvider": "coinbase",
      "partnerApiKey": "d79671a4-b021-4a4f-a444-6862a680a94b",
      "sourceTokenAmount": 0.012110226041200406,
      "sourceToken": "ETH",
      "notes": [],
      "fiatFeeAmount": 2.76,
      "feeDecimal": 0.08625,
      "swaps": [
          "sourceCurrency": "EUR",
          "destinationCurrency": "USDT",
          "sourceAmount": 32,
          "destinationAmount": 35.57563545494966,
          "paymentMethod": "sepa_bank_transfer",
          "liquidityProvider": "coinbase",
          "conversionPrice": 1.111738607967177,
          "feeInSourceAmount": 0,
          "networkFeeInSourceAmount": 0,
          "marketConversionPrice": 1.111738607967177,
          "isNonCustodial": false,
          "isFiatliquidityProvider": true,
          "isFiatPartnerDirectCryptoDeposit": false,
          "isFiatPartnerAccountWalletDeposit": false,
          "liquidityProviderData": false,
          "originalDestinationAmount": 35.57563545494966
          "sourceCurrency": "USDT",
          "destinationCurrency": "ETH",
          "sourceAmount": 35.57563545494966,
          "destinationAmount": 0.0132533253528869,
          "liquidityProvider": "transak",
          "conversionPrice": 0.0003725393849863884,
          "networkFeeInSourceAmount": 0,
          "networkFeeInDestinationAmount": 0,
          "marketConversionPrice": 0.0003725393849863884,
          "liquidityProviderData": false,
          "isNonCustodial": false
          "sourceCurrency": "ETH",
          "destinationCurrency": "ETH",
          "sourceAmount": 0.0132533253528869,
          "destinationAmount": 0.0132533253528869,
          "liquidityProvider": "transak",
          "conversionPrice": 1,
          "isCryptoliquidityProvider": true,
          "networkFeeInSourceAmount": 0.000067651170404,
          "networkFeeInDestinationAmount": 0.000067651170404,
          "marketConversionPrice": 1,
          "liquidityProviderData": false,
          "isFiatPartnerAccountWalletDeposit": false
      "fees": [
          "name": "Transak fee",
          "value": 2.6,
          "id": "transak_fee",
          "ids": [
          "name": "Network/Exchange fee",
          "value": 0.16,
          "id": "network_fee",
          "ids": [
      "fiatAmountInUsd": 35.57,
      "internalFees": [
          "name": "Network/Exchange fee",
          "id": "network_fee",
          "value": 0.16
          "name": "Transak fee",
          "id": "transak_fee",
          "value": 1
          "name": "Transak fee",
          "id": "partner_fee",
          "value": 1.6
      "cost": {
        "ethPriceInLocalCurrency": 2402.17448469,
        "gasCostinLocalCurrency": 0.16334786495892,
        "transakMinimumFee": 1,
        "transakFeeAmount": 1,
        "fiatLiquidityProviderFee": 0,
        "gasCostinLocalCurrencyByFiatPartner": 0,
        "gasCostinLocalCurrencyByCryptoPartner": 0,
        "partnerFeeDecimal": 0.05,
        "partnerFeeInLocalCurrency": 1.6,
        "totalFeeDecimal": 0.08625,
        "totalFeeAmount": 2.76,
        "gasCurrency": "ETH",
        "gasInNativeToken": 0.000068,
        "gasCurrencyRateInUsd": 0.0003744603090795391,
        "totalAmountChargedByTransak": 2.76334786495892
    "partnerFeeInLocalCurrency": 1.6
  "createdAt": "2024-08-23T10:34:40.070Z"