WebSocket Integrations

React / React Native

The snippet below connects to channels and subscribes to a channel.


// For react-native
npm install pusher-js @react-native-community/netinfo

// For react
npm install pusher-js


import Pusher from 'pusher-js/react-native';
let pusher = new Pusher('1d9ffac87de599c61283', {cluster: 'ap2'});
let orderId = "TRANSAK_ORDER_ID"

//to subscribe
let channel = pusher.subscribe(orderId);

//receive updates of all the events
pusher.bind_global((eventId, orderData) => {
    console.log(`${eventId} ${orderData}`)

//receive updates of a specific event
// channel.bind(`ORDER_COMPLETED`, (orderData) => {
//     console.log(orderData)
// });

//to unsubscribe

// sample order data

{ status: 'COMPLETED',
  id: '7467f962-0842-4095-ac9e-1689da6e1414',
  walletAddress: '0x3CAdbeB58CB5162439908edA08df0A305b016dA8',
  fiatCurrency: 'EUR',
  fiatAmount: 100,
  cryptoAmount: 0.4581929390176435,
  cryptocurrency: 'ETH',
  isBuyOrSell: 'BUY',
import Pusher from 'pusher-js/react-native';
let pusher = new Pusher('1d9ffac87de599c61283', {cluster: 'ap2'});
let partnerOrderId = "YOUR_UNIQUE_ORDER_ID"
let channelName = `${apiKey}_${partnerOrderId}`

//to subscribe
let channel = pusher.subscribe(channelName);

//receive updates of all the events
pusher.bind_global((eventId, orderData) => {
    console.log(`${eventId} ${orderData}`)

//receive updates of a specific event
// channel.bind(`ORDER_COMPLETED`, (orderData) => {
//     console.log(orderData)
// });

//to unsubscribe

// sample order data

{ status: 'COMPLETED',
  id: '7467f962-0842-4095-ac9e-1689da6e1414',
  walletAddress: '0x3CAdbeB58CB5162439908edA08df0A305b016dA8',
  fiatCurrency: 'EUR',
  fiatAmount: 100,
  cryptoAmount: 0.4581929390176435,
  cryptocurrency: 'ETH',
  isBuyOrSell: 'BUY',
import Pusher from 'pusher-js/react-native'; // For React Native
import jwt from 'jsonwebtoken';

// Initialize Pusher with your app credentials
const pusherApiKey = '1d9ffac87de599c61283';
const pusherCluster = 'ap2';
const pusher = new Pusher(pusherApiKey, { cluster: pusherCluster });

// Define your API key and subscribe to the Pusher channel
const apiKey = 'YOUR_API_KEY';  // Replace with your actual API key
const channel = pusher.subscribe(apiKey);

// Callback function to handle incoming encrypted order data
const handleEncryptedOrderData = (encryptedOrderData) => {
    if (typeof encryptedOrderData === 'string') {
        try {
            // Consider moving this decryption logic to the backend and call it via API,
            // as it contains your access token, which should not be exposed in the client.
            const partnerAccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";  // Replace with your actual access token
            const decryptedOrderData = jwt.verify(encryptedOrderData, partnerAccessToken);

            if (decryptedOrderData && decryptedOrderData.id) {
                console.log({ orderData: decryptedOrderData });
        } catch (error) {

// Subscribe to receive updates for a specific order ID
const orderId = 'YOUR_ORDER_ID';  // Replace with the actual order ID
channel.bind(orderId, (encryptedOrderData) => {
    console.log("Encrypted Order Data", encryptedOrderData);

// To unsubscribe (if needed)
// channel.unsubscribe(apiKey);

// Sample Decrypted Payload Data


Node JS

The snippet below connects to channels and subscribes to a channel.


npm install pusher-js


const Pusher = require('pusher-js');
let pusher = new Pusher('1d9ffac87de599c61283', {cluster: 'ap2'});
let orderId = "TRANSAK_ORDER_ID"

//to subscribe
let channel = pusher.subscribe(orderId);

//receive updates of all the events
pusher.bind_global((eventId, orderData) => {
    console.log(`${eventId} ${orderData}`)

//receive updates of a specific event
// channel.bind(`ORDER_COMPLETED`, (orderData) => {
//     console.log(orderData)
// });

//to unsubscribe

// sample order data

{ status: 'COMPLETED',
  id: '7467f962-0842-4095-ac9e-1689da6e1414',
  walletAddress: '0x3CAdbeB58CB5162439908edA08df0A305b016dA8',
  fiatCurrency: 'EUR',
  fiatAmount: 100,
  cryptoAmount: 0.4581929390176435,
  cryptocurrency: 'ETH',
  isBuyOrSell: 'BUY',
const Pusher = require('pusher-js');
let pusher = new Pusher('1d9ffac87de599c61283', {cluster: 'ap2'});
let partnerOrderId = "YOUR_UNIQUE_ORDER_ID"
let channelName = `${apiKey}_${partnerOrderId}`

//to subscribe
let channel = pusher.subscribe(channelName);

//receive updates of all the events
pusher.bind_global((eventId, orderData) => {
    console.log(`${eventId} ${orderData}`)

//receive updates of a specific event
// channel.bind(`ORDER_COMPLETED`, (orderData) => {
//     console.log(orderData)
// });

//to unsubscribe

// sample order data

{ status: 'COMPLETED',
  id: '7467f962-0842-4095-ac9e-1689da6e1414',
  walletAddress: '0x3CAdbeB58CB5162439908edA08df0A305b016dA8',
  fiatCurrency: 'EUR',
  fiatAmount: 100,
  cryptoAmount: 0.4581929390176435,
  cryptocurrency: 'ETH',
  isBuyOrSell: 'BUY',
import Pusher from "pusher-js"; // For React JS
import jwt from 'jsonwebtoken';

// Initialize Pusher with your app credentials
const pusherApiKey = '1d9ffac87de599c61283';
const pusherCluster = 'ap2';
const pusher = new Pusher(pusherApiKey, { cluster: pusherCluster });

// Define your API key and subscribe to the Pusher channel
const apiKey = 'YOUR_API_KEY';  // Replace with your actual API key
const channel = pusher.subscribe(apiKey);

// Callback function to handle incoming encrypted order data
const handleEncryptedOrderData = (encryptedOrderData) => {
    if (typeof encryptedOrderData === 'string') {
        try {
            const partnerAccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";  // Replace with your actual access token
            const decryptedOrderData = jwt.verify(encryptedOrderData, partnerAccessToken);

            if (decryptedOrderData && decryptedOrderData.id) {
                console.log({ orderData: decryptedOrderData });
        } catch (error) {

// Subscribe to receive updates for a specific order ID
const orderId = 'YOUR_ORDER_ID';  // Replace with the actual order ID
channel.bind(orderId, (encryptedOrderData) => {
    console.log("Encrypted Order Data", encryptedOrderData);

// To unsubscribe (if needed)
// channel.unsubscribe(apiKey);

// Sample Decrypted Payload Data



The snippet below connects to channels and subscribes to a channel.


add https://js.pusher.com/6.0/pusher.min.js in your script tag in html.


<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>Pusher Test</title>
  <script src="https://js.pusher.com/6.0/pusher.min.js"></script>
    // Enable pusher logging - don't include this in production
    Pusher.logToConsole = true;

		let pusher = new Pusher('1d9ffac87de599c61283', {cluster: 'ap2'});
		let orderId = "TRANSAK_ORDER_ID"
		//to subscribe
		let channel = pusher.subscribe(orderId);
		//receive updates of all the events
		pusher.bind_global((eventId, orderData) => {
		    console.log(`${eventId} ${orderData}`)
		//receive updates of a specific event
		// channel.bind(`ORDER_COMPLETED`, (orderData) => {
		//     console.log(orderData)
		// });
		//to unsubscribe
  <h1>Pusher Test</h1>
    Try publishing an event to channel <code>my-channel</code>
    with event name <code>my-event</code>.

// Sample order data

{ status: 'COMPLETED',
  id: '7467f962-0842-4095-ac9e-1689da6e1414',
  walletAddress: '0x3CAdbeB58CB5162439908edA08df0A305b016dA8',
  fiatCurrency: 'EUR',
  fiatAmount: 100,
  cryptoAmount: 0.4581929390176435,
  cryptocurrency: 'ETH',
  isBuyOrSell: 'BUY',
<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>Pusher Test</title>
  <script src="https://js.pusher.com/6.0/pusher.min.js"></script>
    // Enable pusher logging - don't include this in production
    Pusher.logToConsole = true;

		let pusher = new Pusher('1d9ffac87de599c61283', {cluster: 'ap2'});
		let apiKey = "YOUR_TRANSAK_API_KEY"
		let partnerOrderId = "YOUR_UNIQUE_ORDER_ID"
		let channelName = `${apiKey}_${partnerOrderId}`
		//to subscribe
		let channel = pusher.subscribe(channelName);
		//receive updates of all the events
		pusher.bind_global((eventId, orderData) => {
		    console.log(`${eventId} ${orderData}`)
		//receive updates of a specific event
		// channel.bind(`ORDER_COMPLETED`, (orderData) => {
		//     console.log(orderData)
		// });
		//to unsubscribe
  <h1>Pusher Test</h1>
    Try publishing an event to channel <code>my-channel</code>
    with event name <code>my-event</code>.

// sample order data

{ status: 'COMPLETED',
  id: '7467f962-0842-4095-ac9e-1689da6e1414',
  walletAddress: '0x3CAdbeB58CB5162439908edA08df0A305b016dA8',
  fiatCurrency: 'EUR',
  fiatAmount: 100,
  cryptoAmount: 0.4581929390176435,
  cryptocurrency: 'ETH',
  isBuyOrSell: 'BUY',
<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>Pusher Test</title>
  <script src="https://js.pusher.com/6.0/pusher.min.js"></script>
    // Enable pusher logging - don't include this in production
    Pusher.logToConsole = true;

    var pusher = new Pusher('1d9ffac87de599c61283', {
      cluster: 'ap2'

   let partnerApiKey = 'YOUR_API_KEY';
	 let partnerApiSecret = 'YOUR_API_SECRET'
   let channel = pusher.subscribe(partnerApiKey);

   let callback = function (encryptedOrderData) {
     if (encryptedOrderData && typeof encryptedOrderData === 'string') {
        try {
            let decryptedOrderData = jwt.verify(encryptedOrderData, partnerApiSecret);
            if (decryptedOrderData && decryptedOrderData.id) {
                console.log({orderData: decryptedOrderData})
        } catch (e) {

		//receive updates of all the orders
		pusher.bind_global((orderId, encryptedOrderData) => {
		    console.log(`Order update ${orderId}`)
		    return callback(encryptedOrderData)

		//receive updates of a specific order
		// let user_order_id = "YOUR_USER_ORDER_ID"
		// channel.bind(`${user_order_id}`, (encryptedOrderData) => {
		//     return callback(encryptedOrderData)
		// });
		//to unsubscribe
  <h1>Pusher Test</h1>
    Try publishing an event to channel <code>my-channel</code>
    with event name <code>my-event</code>.

// Sample decrypted order data


Java (Android)

