On-Ramp and Off-Ramp
Query Name | Product Type | Example Value | Type | Default Value | Description | Tags |
apiKey * | BUY, SELL | 4fcd6904-706b-4aff-bd9d-77422813bbb7 | string | Your Transak API Key. You need to pass this in order to integrate all other parameters. You can get it from transak partner dashboard. | Basic | |
environment | JS SDK | STAGING | string | PRODUCTION | To differentiate between STAGING environment and PRODUCTION environment. | Basic |
widgetHeight | JS SDK | 100% | string | 100% | Height of the widget iFrame. | Look & feel |
widgetWidth | JS SDK | 100% | string | 100% | Width of the widget iFrame. | Look & feel |
exchangeScreenTitle | BUY, SELL | Buy Crypto | string | To change the exchange screen title. Title cannot be changed if both on ramp and off ramp product are being used. Can only be changed for either on ramp or off ramp. | Look & feel | |
productsAvailed | BUY, SELL | BUY (OR) SELL (OR) BUY,SELL | string | BUY,SELL | A string representing the services to be availed and returns the exchange screen accordingly. If only BUY is passed, then users will see the on ramp widget only. If SELL is passed then users will see the off ramp widget only. Only if BUY,SELL is passed, the users will see both the widgets. If BUY,SELL is passed then users will see BUY widget first. Conversely, if SELL,BUY is passed, then users will see the SELL widget first. Note: If SELL is not enabled by you from your partner portal, then this query param will not be honored and users will see the BUY widget only. | Look & feel |
defaultFiatAmount | BUY | 1100 | number | An integer amount representing how much the customer wants to spend/receive. Users can change the fiat amount if this is passed. This parameter will be skipped if fiatCurrency or countryCode is not passed.This parameter will be skipped if fiatAmount is passed. | Order Data | |
fiatAmount | BUY | 1100 | number | An integer amount representing how much the customer wants to spend/receive. Users can't change the fiat amount if this is passed. This parameter will be skipped if fiatCurrency or countryCode is not passed. | Order Data | |
fiatCurrency | BUY, SELL | GBP | string | The code of the fiat currency you want the customer to buy/sell cryptocurrency. If the fiat currency is not supported by a specific product type (BUY/SELL) then the default widget will load with all the supported fiat currencies for that product type. | Order Data | |
defaultFiatCurrency | BUY, SELL | GBP | string | The three letter code of the fiat currency your user will send/receive while buying/selling cryptocurrency. Users can change the fiat currency if this is passed. If the fiat currency is not supported by a specific product type (BUY/SELL) then the default widget will load with all the supported fiat currencies for that product type. This parameter will be skipped if fiatCurrency or countryCode is passed.Note: Use defaultFiatAmount with defaultFiatCurrency query param to give your users a seamless experience. Do not use fiatAmount with defaultFiatCurrency. | Order Data | |
countryCode | BUY, SELL | IN | string | The country's https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2. The fiat currency will be displayed as per the country code. If the country code is not supported by a specific product type (BUY/SELL) then the default widget will load with all the supported countries for that product type. This parameter will be skipped if fiatCurrency is passed. | Order Data | |
excludeFiatCurrencies | BUY, SELL | GBP,EUR | string | The fiat currencies passed as comma separated values here will not be shown in the fiat currencies drop down on the widget. This parameter will be skipped if fiatCurrency is passed.This parameter will be skipped if countryCode is passed. | Order Data | |
defaultNetwork | BUY, SELL | polygon | string | The default network you would prefer the customer to purchase/sell on. If you pass this param, the network will be selected by default, but the customer will still be able to select another network. If the default network selected is not supported by a product type (BUY/SELL) then the default widget with all supported networks will be shown. | Order Data | |
network | BUY, SELL | ethereum | string | Crypto network that you would allow your customers to buy. You can get the supporting networks by opening http://global.transak.com and then go to cryptocurrencies select screen. Only the cryptocurrencies supported by this network for the specific product type (BUY/SELL) will be shown in the widget. If the network selected is not supported by a product type (BUY/SELL) then the default widget will all supported networks will be shown. This parameter will be skipped if networks is passed. | Advanced, Order Data | |
networks | BUY, SELL | ethereum, polygon,terra, mainnet | string | A comma-separated list of crypto networks that you would allow your customers to buy/sell. Only these networks' cryptocurrencies will be shown in the widget. This will be a string of comma-separated values each of which will represent a valid network name. You can get the supporting networks by opening http://global.transak.com and then go to cryptocurrencies select screen. If even one of the networks in the list is supported by the specific product type (BUY/SELL), then it will be honored, otherwise the default widget with all the supported networks will load for the product type for which none of the networks are supported. | Advanced, Order Data | |
defaultPaymentMethod | BUY, SELL | credit_debit_card | string | The default payment method you would prefer the customer to buy/sell with. If you pass this param, the payment method will be selected by default and the customer can also select another payment method. This parameter will be skipped if paymentMethod is passed. Refer here to the list of supported params for the payment method. | Order Data | |
paymentMethod | BUY, SELL | credit_debit_card | string | The payment method you want to show to the customer while buying/selling. If you pass this param, then the payment method will be selected by default and the customer won't be able to select another payment method. Refer here to the list of supported params for the payment method. | Order Data | |
disablePaymentMethods | BUY, SELL | gbp_bank_transfer, sepa_bank_transfer | string | A comma-separated list of payment methods you want to disable and hide from the customers. Refer here to the list of supported params for the payment method. | Order Data | |
defaultCryptoAmount | BUY, SELL | 1 | number | An integer amount representing how much crypto the customer wants to buy/sell. If this param is not supported by a specific product type (BUY/SELL) then the query param will not be honored for that product type. This parameter will be skipped if cryptoCurrencyCode is not passed.This parameter will be skipped if a valid combination of fiatCurrency and defaultFiatAmount is passed.This parameter will be skipped if a valid combination of fiatCurrency and fiatAmount is passed.Note: Please ensure the defaultCryptoAmount is within our min and max limit for the cryptoCurrencyCode . You can check whether the crypto amount is within permissible limits by going to http://global.transak.com. | Order Data | |
cryptoAmount | SELL | 0.5678 | number | An integer amount representing how much crypto the customer wants to sell. Users cannot change the crypto amount if this is passed. | Order Data | |
defaultCryptoCurrency | BUY, SELL | DAI | string | The default cryptocurrency you would prefer the customer to buy/sell. If you pass this param, the currency will be selected by default, but the customer will still be able to select another cryptocurrency. Please ensure that the currency code passed by you is available for the specific product type (BUY/SELL). If you pass a value that is not supported by BUY/SELL, then the default widget will load. This parameter will be skipped if cryptoCurrencyCode is passed. | Order Data | |
cryptoCurrencyCode | BUY, SELL | DAI | string | ETH | The code of the cryptocurrency you want the customer to buy/sell. If you pass this param, the crypto currency will be selected by default and the customer won't be able to select another crypto currency. Please ensure that the currency code passed by you is available for the specific product type (BUY/SELL). In case the value is not part of our crypto coverage for BUY/SELL then it will not be honored wherever it is not present and users will see the default widget with all the supported cryptocurrencies. Ex: If cryptoCurrencyCode=DAI and DAI is live for BUY and not for SELL, then users would see only DAI for BUY but all the supported cryptocurrencies for SELL. You can find the list of supported cryptocurrencies here. | Order Data |
cryptoCurrencyList | BUY, SELL | ETH,DAI,USDT | string | A comma-separated list of cryptoCurrencies that you would allow your customers to buy/sell. Only these crypto currencies will be shown in the widget. This will be a string of comma separated values each of which will represent a valid cryptoCurrency code. Please ensure that the crypto currency codes passed in the list are available for the specific product type (BUY/SELL). If even one of the crypto currency codes in the list is supported by the specific product type (BUY/SELL), then it will be honored, otherwise the default widget will load for the product type for which none of the crypto currency codes are supported.This parameter will be skipped if cryptoCurrencyCode is passed. | Advanced, Order Data | |
isFeeCalculationHidden | BUY, SELL | true | boolean | false | When true, then the customer will not see our fee breakdown. The customer will only see the total fee. This parameter will be ignored if your fee (on top of us) is more than 1%. | Advanced, Look & feel |
hideExchangeScreen | BUY, SELL | true | boolean | false | When true, then the customer will not see the home screen (exchange screen). This will hide the exchange screen completely, and the customer won't be able to change the payment method, cryptocurrency, fiat amount, fiat currency and network. BUY: This parameter will be skipped if fiatAmount , productsAvailed , fiatCurrency , network , paymentMethod and cryptoCurrencyCode are not passed.SELL: This parameter will be skipped if cryptoAmount , productsAvailed , fiatCurrency , network , paymentMethod and cryptoCurrencyCode are not passed. | Look & Feel |
walletAddress | BUY | 0x86349020e939 4b2BE1b1262531B 0C3335fc32F20 | string | The blockchain address of the user's wallet that the purchased cryptocurrency will be sent to. Users will be able to edit the wallet address.The wallet address needs to be valid for the cryptocurrency and blockchain network so to make sure this works you should pass cryptoCurrencyCode or network . | Order Data | |
walletAddressesData | BUY | Example | object | Here you can pass multiple wallet addresses of the different cryptocurrencies & networks in the JSON object format. Use this query parameter if you are allowing multiple options to your users to buy a cryptocurrency. If you pass the valid wallet addresses, the customer won't be prompted to enter one. This parameter will be skipped if walletAddress is passed. | Advanced, Order Data | |
disableWalletAddressForm | BUY | true | boolean | false | When true, the customer will not be able to change the destination address of where the cryptocurrency is sent to. This parameter will be skipped if walletAddress or walletAddressesData is not passed. | Advanced, Look & feel |
BUY, SELL | [email protected] | string | The email that will be used to identify your customer and their order (usually the email that they registered with your app). | KYC | ||
userData | BUY, SELL | Example | object | Here you can pass your user's data like their name, address, date of birth in the object format. If you will pass all the basic user's data, the customer won't be prompted to enter it. | Advanced, KYC | |
isAutoFillUserData | BUY, SELL | true | boolean | false | When true, then the email address will be auto-filled, but the screen will not be skipped. User can edit their email address, basic data like first name & the address. This parameter will be ignored if email or userData are not passed. | Advanced, Look & feel |
themeColor | BUY, SELL | 000000 | string | The theme color code for the widget main color. It is used for buttons, links and highlighted text. Only hexadecimal codes are accepted. | Look & feel | |
hideMenu | BUY, SELL | true | boolean | false | When true, then the customer will not see the menu options. This will hide the menu completely. | Look & feel |
redirectURL | BUY, SELL | https://google.com | string | Transak will redirect back to this URL with additional order info appended to the url as parameters, once the customer has completed their purchase/sell process. Detailed explanation here. Please pass a valid URL otherwise it will not work. | Advanced | |
partnerOrderId | BUY, SELL | 5e2f559511a9de | string | An order ID that will be used to identify the transaction once a webhook is called back to your app. This can be your identifier to track your customers. | Advanced | |
partnerCustomerId | BUY, SELL | 23487492 | string | A customer ID that will be used to identify the customer that made the transaction once a webhook is called back to your app. | Advanced | |
walletRedirection | SELL | true | boolean | false | Detailed explanation here. | Advanced |
Updated over 1 year ago