πŸ–₯ Web Integration

Redirect Link

This is the quickest way to integrate with Transak. Make sure to add your API key and customise using query parameters.

<a href="https://global-stg.transak.com?apiKey=<YOUR_API_KEY>&<QUERY_PARAMETERS>" target="_blank">
  Buy/Sell Crypto with Transak
<a href="https://global.transak.com?apiKey=<YOUR_API_KEY>&<QUERY_PARAMETERS>" target="_blank">
  Buy/Sell Crypto with Transak



To improve user experience, it's recommended to have Transak open in a new tab and pass the redirectURL parameter.

Embed/iframe (WebApp)

You can use the below example code to add the Transak widget directly into a page of your web app.

<html lang="en" style="height: 100%">
    <body style="margin:0; padding:0; height: 100%; display: grid">
        <div style="position: relative; width: 500px; height: 80dvh; margin: auto; box-shadow: 0 0 15px #1461db; border-radius: 15px; overflow: hidden">
                style="height: 100%; width: 100%; border: none">

            (function () {
                const transakIframe = document.getElementById("transakIframe")?.contentWindow;

                window.addEventListener('message', (message) => {
                    if (message.source !== transakIframe) return;

                    // To get all the events
                    console.log('Event ID: ', message?.data?.event_id);
                    console.log('Data: ', message?.data?.data);

                    // This will trigger when the user marks payment is made
                    if (message?.data?.event_id === 'TRANSAK_ORDER_SUCCESSFUL') {
                        console.log('Order Data: ', message?.data?.data);
<html lang="en" style="height: 100%">
    <body style="margin:0; padding:0; height: 100%; display: grid">
        <div style="position: relative; width: 500px; height: 80dvh; margin: auto; box-shadow: 0 0 15px #1461db; border-radius: 15px; overflow: hidden">
                style="height: 100%; width: 100%; border: none">

            (function () {
                const transakIframe = document.getElementById("transakIframe")?.contentWindow;

                window.addEventListener('message', (message) => {
                    if (message.source !== transakIframe) return;

                    // To get all the events
                    console.log('Event ID: ', message?.data?.event_id);
                    console.log('Data: ', message?.data?.data);

                    // This will trigger when the user marks payment is made
                    if (message?.data?.event_id === 'TRANSAK_ORDER_SUCCESSFUL') {
                        console.log('Order Data: ', message?.data?.data);

Transak SDK (React/Vue/Angular/TS)

You can integrate Transak into your project using our SDK.

Check out this page for more information about SDK configuration.

Using NPM Package (v2/v1)


Migrating from v1 to v2

If you want to migrate to v2 please follow the guide here.

The NPM page for the SDK can be found here: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@transak/transak-sdk

# Using yarn
$ yarn add @transak/transak-sdk

# Using npm
$ npm install @transak/transak-sdk
import { TransakConfig, Transak } from '@transak/transak-sdk';

const transakConfig: TransakConfig = {
  apiKey: '<your-api-key>', // (Required)
  environment: Transak.ENVIRONMENTS.STAGING/Transak.ENVIRONMENTS.PRODUCTION, // (Required)
  // .....
  // For the full list of customisation options check the link below

const transak = new Transak(transakConfig);


// To get all the events
Transak.on('*', (data) => {

// This will trigger when the user closed the widget
Transak.on(Transak.EVENTS.TRANSAK_WIDGET_CLOSE, () => {
  console.log('Transak SDK closed!');

* This will trigger when the user has confirmed the order
* This doesn't guarantee that payment has completed in all scenarios
* If you want to close/navigate away, use the TRANSAK_ORDER_SUCCESSFUL event
Transak.on(Transak.EVENTS.TRANSAK_ORDER_CREATED, (orderData) => {

* This will trigger when the user marks payment is made
* You can close/navigate away at this event
Transak.on(Transak.EVENTS.TRANSAK_ORDER_SUCCESSFUL, (orderData) => {
import transakSDK from '@transak/transak-sdk';

let transak = new transakSDK({
  apiKey: '<YOUR_API_KEY>', // (Required)
  environment: '<STAGING/PRODUCTION>', // (Required)
  // .....
  // For the full list of customisation options check the link above


// To get all the events
transak.on(transak.ALL_EVENTS, (data) => {

// This will trigger when the user closed the widget
transak.on(transak.EVENTS.TRANSAK_WIDGET_CLOSE, (orderData) => {

// This will trigger when the user marks payment is made
transak.on(transak.EVENTS.TRANSAK_ORDER_SUCCESSFUL, (orderData) => {

Refer here for the full list of customisation options


React: Cleanup

If you are using React 18+, do not forget to run the cleanup code.

useEffect(() => {

  // Cleanup code
  return () => {
}, []);

Using CDN (v1 only)

Please use the latest version from here and replace the same in the CDN URL


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
        <script async src="https://cdn.transak.com/js/sdk/1.4.1/transak.js"></script>

          function launchTransak() {
            let transak = new TransakSDK.default({
              apiKey: '<YOUR_API_KEY>', // (Required)
              environment: '<STAGING/PRODUCTION>', // (Required)
              // .....
              // For the full list of customisation options check the link above


            // To get all the events
            transak.on(transak.ALL_EVENTS, (data) => {

            // This will trigger when the user closed the widget
            transak.on(transak.EVENTS.TRANSAK_WIDGET_CLOSE, (orderData) => {

            // This will trigger when the user marks payment is made
            transak.on(transak.EVENTS.TRANSAK_ORDER_SUCCESSFUL, (orderData) => {

          window.onload = function() {

Refer here for the full list of customisation options

Embed/iframe (Extensions)

Currently in Manifest v3 it is not possible to ASK for camera permission, which is required for our KYC flow. Hence we do not recommend using this integration option.

Note: If the browser permission is set to Camera: Allow then our widget works fine.