For NFT collections on Secondary Marketplaces
Note: All the query parameters marked with *(asterisk) are mandatory to send to successfully load the widget and complete the transaction.
Query Parameter | Example | Type | Default value | Description |
apiKey * | 4fcd6904-706b-4aff-bd9d-77422813bbb7 | string | Your API key for authentication. | |
contractID * | 63306038308c667bb8755b77 | string | contractId is generated once you give Transak details about your smart contract and blockchain. Contact sales to generate a contractID and start your integration. | |
tokenData * | Example | base64 encoded string | tokenData is an array that consists of only a single element. The value for this query param should be Base64 encoded. It contains: - nftName (optional) - ImageURL (optional) - collectionAddress (single field) - tokenID (array of token IDs) - marketplace (single field) - normalizeRoyalties (boolean) Note: You can pass multiple token IDs of the same collection to allow user to purchase multiple NFTs in a single txn. In "normalizeRoyalties" you need to pass "true/false" | |
isNFT * | true | boolean | Pass this as “true”. Note: If this is passed all these query parameters should be passed compulsorily - “contractId”, “tokenData” | |
walletAddress | 0x86349020e9394b2BE1b1262531B 0C3335fc32F20 | string | The blockchain address of the user's wallet that the purchased NFT will be sent to. Users will be able to edit the wallet address. The wallet address needs to be valid for the NFT and blockchain network so to make sure this works you should pass cryptoCurrencyCode or network. | |
environment | STAGING | string | PRODUCTION | To differentiate between STAGING environment and PRODUCTION environment. Note: This param will only work with our SDK integration method. |
fiatCurrency | GBP | string | The code of the fiat currency you want the customer to buy NFT in. If the fiat currency is not supported by a specific product type then the default widget will load with all the supported fiat currencies for that product type. You can find all the supported fiat currencies here. | |
defaultFiatCurrency | GBP | string | The three letter code of the fiat currency your user will send/receive while buying/selling cryptocurrency. Users can change the fiat currency if this is passed. If the fiat currency is not supported by a specific product type then the default widget will load with all the supported fiat currencies for that product type. This parameter will be skipped if fiatCurrency or countryCode is passed. | |
countryCode | IN | string | The country's The fiat currency will be displayed as per the country code. If the country code is not supported by a specific product type then the default widget will load with all the supported countries for that product type. This parameter will be skipped if fiatCurrency is passed. | |
disablePaymentMethods | credit_debit_card | string | A comma-separated list of payment methods you want to disable and hide from the customers. | | | string | The email that will be used to identify your customer and their order (usually the email that they registered with your app). Note: Please encode the email if it contains any special characters before passing it to query parameters. Otherwise, it will not be considered. Eg: ==> Works ==> will not work. | ||
userData | Example | object | Here you can pass your user's data like their name, address, date of birth in the object format. If you will pass all the basic user's data, the customer won't be prompted to enter it. | |
partnerOrderId | 5e2f559511a9de | string | An order ID that will be used to identify the transaction once a webhook is called back to your app. This can be your identifier to track your customers. | |
partnerCustomerId | 23487492 | string | A customer ID that will be used to identify the customer that made the transaction once a webhook is called back to your app. | |
disableWalletAddressForm | true | boolean | false | When true, the customer will not be able to change the destination address of where the cryptocurrency is sent to. Note: When this is used, walletAddress query param should be passed. |
themeColor | 000000 | string | The theme color code for the widget main color. It is used for buttons, links and highlighted text. Only hexadecimal codes are accepted. | |
widgetHeight | 100% | string | 100% | Height of the widget iFrame. Note: This param will only work with our SDK integration method. |
widgetWidth | 100% | string | 100% | Widget of the widget iFrame. Note: This param will only work with our SDK integration method. |
hideMenu | true | boolean | false | When true, then the customer will not see the menu options. This will hide the menu completely. |
isFeeCalculationHidden | true | boolean | false | When true, then the customer will not see our fee breakdown. The customer will only see the total fee. This parameter will be ignored if your fee (on top of us) is more than 1%. |
exchangeScreenTitle | Buy NFT | string | To change the exchange screen title. |
Updated 11 months ago