πŸ“ Tracking Order Status


You can check the status of user's order and receive updates via:

  1. Transak API
  2. 🌐 Webhooks
  3. πŸ•Έ WebSocket

By redirecting users, providing helpful information, triggering events, and passing different parameters, the user journey can be improved in a variety of ways.

Order Flow

Some Use Cases

  1. Check if the user has already onboarded with Transak. If they have remind them they don't need to do KYC again.
  2. Check if the user has a pending order and direct them to complete it rather than start a new one.
  3. When the order failed direct the user to try again with a different card.
  4. Use the information that Transak disabled a user in your own risk decisions.

Order Status

On-Ramp, NFT Checkout, Transak One

Status CodeDescription
AWAITING_PAYMENT_FROM_USERWhen the order is created but the payment still not received.
PAYMENT_DONE_MARKED_BY_USERWhen the user marks the payment as done but it is received by us yet.
PROCESSINGOrders in the PROCESSING state have passed the checks and the user's payment information has been validated.
PENDING_DELIVERY_FROM_TRANSAKWhen the payment is received and being exchanged & transferred via us or our liquidity partner.
COMPLETEDWhen we have received the payment and the crypto is sent successfully to the user.
CANCELLEDOrder is cancelled.
FAILEDWhen the order is failed, e.g.: because of the card decline
REFUNDEDOrder is refunded to the user.
EXPIREDWhen the user failed to make the payment within the timeframe.


Status CodeDescription
AWAITING_PAYMENT_FROM_USERWhen the order is created but the payment still not received.
PAYMENT_DONE_MARKED_BY_USERWhen the user marks the payment as done but it is not yet received by us.
PENDING_DELIVERY_FROM_TRANSAKWhen the payment is received and being exchanged & transferred via us or our liquidity partner.
ON_HOLD_PENDING_DELIVERY_FROM_TRANSAKWhen the crypto payment is received and being exchanged & fiat being transferred via our banking partner but because of some issue our system is unable to send the fiat to the user.
COMPLETEDWhen we have received the crypto payment and fiat is sent successfully to the user’s bank account.
CANCELLEDOrder is cancelled.
FAILEDWhen the order is failed, e.g.: because of the card decline.
REFUNDEDOrder is refunded to the user.
EXPIREDWhen the user failed to make the payment within the timeframe.

Supported Payment Methods

Supported Payment Methods for On Ramp

Supported Payment Methods for Off Ramp

Javascript SDK Events

Status Code