πŸ“β€‹ KYC Sharing

We provide a feature to pull users KYC details from our system to submit to your own KYC system. This way you can rely on Transak’s KYC process instead of setting up an additional one of your own.



To enable this feature you have to reach out to our sales team at [email protected] and undergo some additional due diligence to confirm compliance with personal data requirements.

Instead of pulling KYC from us, if you want to share KYC you’ve already performed on users with us, so that users don’t need to do KYC again, we have KYC Reliance feature which is still under development. Please reach out to our sales team at [email protected] for early access.

Once this feature is enabled in your account then you can able to get the user's KYC data by using the below guide:-

Step by Step Guide

Step1: Pass Metadata

You need to pass partnerCustomerId as query parameter in the widget url so that you can identify your user.

partnerCustomerId : It is your unique customer ID that will be used to identify the customer that made the transaction once a webhook is called back to your app.

Step2: Get User Details

Follow Get User Data to know details of the API.

Step3: Download KYC Docs

After getting the response, you can also download the KYC docs by doing a GET API call by passing your access-token in the headers.


First you have to update the Webhook URL using Update Webhook API endpoint.

KYC Webhook Event ID:


Follow this doc Webhooks to learn about the webhook response and decoding it.